Category: Health benefits of walking

Walking to burn calories: Here’s how far you should you walk to lose weight.

Losing weight is actually a lot easier than you might think… Just track your calorie intake every day and then burn them off walking. You’d be surprised how you can achieve a calorie deficit… where you burn more calories in a day than you take in. Of course if you’re walking to lose weight and…

Engage your upper body too (5 benefits of walking with trekking poles)

Nordic Pole Walking was created in Finland in the early 1990s as a way for Olympic cross-country skiers to train during the summer.  The sport exploded across Europe in the 1990s and has grown to the point where today more than 20% of Finns and about 10-15 million Germans are walking with poles on a…

Mental and physical benefits of walking: Even better than you expected.

No one doubts the mental and physical benefits of walking and other forms of moderate exercise. There have been countless studies since the early 90s that validate the common knowledge… walking is good for you. Way better than sitting at your desk or in front of the TV. In the UK there’s a charity that promotes…

Walking right – stride and posture

We take walking for granted. After all, we’ve all been doing it since were were only a year old. But if you want to stay healthy and mobile, it’s important to pay attention to the proper stride and posture in walking. The proper stride and posture enables you to walk farther, use less energy and reduce…